Ithildin is a dictionary of the languages described in the work of JRR Tolkien. It is based on the lexicon and contains a near-complete searchable vocabulary of those languages.The original vocabulary presented in this application was conceived by J.R.R. Tolkien and compiled by the efforts of many, most notably Christopher Tolkien and the authors of Parma Eldalamberon and Vinyar Tengwar (Christopher Gilson, Carl Hostetter, Arden Smith, Bill Welden, Patrick Wynne, and others).Paul Stracks Eldamo lexicon attempts to consistently organise that material, which adds up to many thousands of words in nearly fifty languages. This app is meant as a handy tool to search and access this vocabulary. Features: - searching on elvish words or English translations- several search modes: wildcard, begin- and end-of-word matching (useful to find rhyming words), verbatim and regular expressions- includes community-created words (neo-Sindarin, neo-Quenya)- word reliability is indicated by colour (is a word attested or speculative) - tapping a word opens a detail screen with glosses, examples, inflections, changes, cognates, elements, related words, variations and notes (when available)- where applicable: tapping a linked word in a detail category or the notes opens the detail screen for that word- configuration settings are stored locally in the app until changed- no internet connection is required Planned are:- other translations besides English (most likely German and French first)- UI internationalisation- option to add user-created vocabulary- option to share user-created vocabulary with other users- some extras like an elvish / Shire calendar, star- and constellation namesIf you want to know more about these languages: their grammar, phonology or history, or about scripts like Tengwar and many other resources, we kindly refer to and the Vinyƫ Lambengolmor server on Discord.None of the material presented herein belongs to us, and we are not affiliated with the Tolkien Estate nor with Middle-earth Enterprises. No profit is being made from this app, which is distributed for free as a service for people who appreciate the work of JRR Tolkien. It is licensed under Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0 (